Title: Battle Princess Madelyn Genre: Action – Adventure – Platformer Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Released: December 6, 2018 Company: Causal Bit Games Inc. / Causal Bit Games Inc. / Hound Picked Games


How to Download & Install: Battle Princess Madelyn Accompanied by the ghost of Fritzy, your pet dog, you must avenge him, restoring order once again. Tackling all manner of deadly foes, you will overcome sinister graveyards, murky swamps and looming castles to achieve your goal. It will be difficult, but we all believe in you Madelyn, we know you can do it! Classic retro gameplay for a whole new era! – With the retro of feel Ghouls ‘n Ghosts and Wonder Boy 3, this will conjure up memories of the arcade era with its Unity driven hand-drawn pixel art – 10 levels with five stages each, they’re replayable with no starting over (that is unless you want to) – Two modes including story (by a professional children’s author) and arcade (for the experts) – Hidden collectibles with extra rewards, weapons are upgradeable depending on your armour, which you can find through the blacksmith in story mode – Fritzy has special powers to help you and assists you in your quest – Weapons are specific to certain areas, providing access to secret locations – Travel across the world using special portals to get from place to place Oh the sights you will see and the sounds you will hear! – Slipping between classic arcade FM/PCM and modern orchestrated, you can tailor the music score from Gryzor87 (of Maldita Castilla fame) to help set the scene – Lovingly crafted by veteran artist Christopher Obritsch, the game features distinctive pixel art, from the cut-scenes, to the gameplay, with depth provided through dynamic lighting So, let me now tell you this classic tale of good versus evil…


More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/battle_princess_madelyn

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Size: 508 MB Battle Princess Madelyn v1.21 (GOG) Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment.

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