Title: Cryostasis Genre(s): Action – FPP – Horror Works on: Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32 & 64 bit) Modes: Single-player Released: April 28, 2009 Company: Action Forms / 1C Publishing
About This Game
You are Alexander Nesterov – a meteorologist on his way back home from station post Pole 51 . He was supposed to travel on board the nuclear ice-breaker North Wind , but upon his arrival he discovers that something terrible has happened to the ship and its entire crew. Forced to find shelter form the ice storm, he enters the wreck and is suddenly struck by strange visions of what has happened within the confines of of this cursed vessel. He has no choice but to explore deeper into the derelict in search of something to fight off the more immediate life-threatening danger: the bone-freezing cold. Cryostasis emphasizes the setting; the horror, the cold, and the grinding fight to survive the relentless chill pervade the game. Winner of Gamespot’s “Best Story” award for 2009, although this title has some detractors, the tightly-wound suspense and the engrossing story are definitely something that every gamer should experience for him or herself. Age requirements: ESRB Rating: TEEN with Violence. PEGI Rating: 16+ with Violence.
System Requirements
Minimum Requirements: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7, 2.4 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM (2GB recomended), 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0 and 256MB (NVIDIA GeForce 7800 or ATI Radeon X1800 or better), 6GB HDD, Mouse, Keyboard.
Game Media
ScreenShots from the Game:
Video/s from the Game:
Additional Information
FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Cryostasis (c) Action Forms / 1C Publishing You are Alexander Nesterov – a meteorologist on his way back home from station post Pole 51 . He was supposed to travel on board the nuclear ice-breaker North Wind , but upon his arrival he discovers that something terrible has happened to the ship and its entire crew. Forced to find shelter form the ice storm, he enters the wreck and is suddenly struck by strange visions of what has happened within the confines of of this cursed vessel. He has no choice but to explore deeper into the derelict in search of something to fight off the more immediate life-threatening danger: the bone-freezing cold. More info here: (This game was removed on gog distribution) How to Download and Install Cryostasis
Download Cryostasis Here⇩
Size: 2.39 GB Cryostasis (GOG) Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment.