Title: Evolva Genre: Shooter – TPP – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 8, 10, 11) Languages: Audio and text: English Features: single-player – multi-player Released: June 1, 2000 Company: Computer Artworks / Interplay


How to Download & Install: Go head to head in multiplayer matches (LAN and Internet) to see who has evolved the most effective set of warriors or exchange GenoHunters over the Internet. Evolva combines the excitement of a fast paced shoot-em-up with the tactical challenge of commanding a squad. Fight against the alien parasites and save the planet. This is survival of the fittest! – Appealing scenery with an other-worldly feeling – An unusual character development system based on mutations – Use your GenoHunters’ unique abilities to your advantage

More info here: http://www.gog.com/game/evolva

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Size: 469.62 MB Evolva (GOG) Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment.