Title: Inquisitor Genre: Role-playing – Adventure – Fantasy Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Features: single-player Released: September 5, 2012 Company: Cinemax / Cinemax


How to Download & Install: Inquisitor – Three character classes–Paladin, Priest, and Thief–each with his own unique and independent story. – Wield the power of the Inquisition as you arrest heretics; use a variety of tools-such as the iron maiden, suspension, and the rack-to extract confessions and burn the heretics! – A wide, open-ended world for you to explore and exploit as you see fit. – More than 200 weapons, 80 spells, and 7 schools of forbidden and allowed magic!


Ultherst was once a peaceful, God-fearing land until the Three Scourges of God came to pass as foretold by Saint Ezekiel, one of the twelve followers of the First Prophet. First came the famine that devasted the populace. Next came the plague that added more unfortunate souls on Death’s abacus. Finally came the great rain of fire, and death fell down on sinner and innocent alike, blood flooding the streets in place of water. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/inquisitor

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Size: 2.1 GB Inquisitor v1.10.18 (GOG) Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment.

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