Title: Metal Wolf Chaos XD Genre(s): Shooter – Action – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: August 6, 2019 Company: General Arcade, FromSoftware, Inc / Devolver Digital


How to Download & Install:


America is in danger: Vice President Richard Hawke and his robotic troops have launched a full-scale revolution, and only President Michael Wilson can defend the country. You are the 47th President of the United States, and it is your duty to suppress this dastardly uprising and return the country at any cost! Put on modern mechanical armor, arm yourself to the teeth and take part in battles taking place in America’s most famous locations, including the Brooklyn Bridge, the Grand Canyon and the White House. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/metal_wolf_chaos_xd

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Size: 5.65 GB Metal Wolf Chaos XD (1.03+DLC) [GOG] Old Link/s: Size: 5.67 GB Metal Wolf Chaos XD v1.02.1 + DLC [GOG]

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