Title: Star Wars: Jedi Knight II – Jedi Outcast Genre: Shooter – FPP – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) Features: single-player Released: March 28, 2002 Company: Lucasfilm / Disney


How to Download & Install: – Includes legendary Star Wars™ characters such as Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker – 24 single player missions – Over 8 force abilities including jedi mind trick, force lightning, and force grip.

Video(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8XEQqc-FRU

It is a time of relative peace in the galaxy. Eight years have passed since the Empire’s defeat at the Battle of Endor, but the New Republic still struggles to restore order and vanquish its enemies. Several years after Kyle Katarn avenged his father’s death by defeating the Dark Jedi Jarec, he has chosen to cut his links with the Force™ after nearly succumbing to the Dark Side. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/star_wars_jedi_knight_ii_jedi_outcast

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Size: 702 MB Star Wars: Jedi Knight II – Jedi Outcast v1.04 (GOG) Old Link/s: Size: 697.87 MB Star Wars: Jedi Knight II – Jedi Outcast v1.03 / (GOG)