Title: Trine 2: Complete Story Genre(s): Action – Adventure – Puzzle Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Released: June 6, 2013 Company: Frozenbyte / Frozenbyte


How to Download & Install: Trine 2: Complete Story Trine 2: Complete Story fully integrates the Goblin Menace expansion campaign and the all-new unlockable Dwarven Caverns level into one mighty fairytale. Complete Story edition features the all-new unlockable Dwarven Caverns level that takes our heroes on a journey through deep and dark lava-filled tunnels resonating with ancient legends.20 levels chock-full of adventure, physics-based puzzles, hazards, enemies and contraptions.3 Heroes – Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight and Zoya the Thief, each with their own skills – and personalities charming and otherwise. Travel through beautiful vistas and environments (sometimes using extremely unreliable methods of transportation), including a castle by the treacherous sea, a burning desert, snowy ice mountains, all the way to the insides of a giant worm. Online and local co-op with up to three players.

Trine 2 is a sidescrolling game of action, puzzles, and platforming where you play as one of three heroes who make their way through dangers untold in a fantastical fairy tale world. Join Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight and Zoya the Thief in their adventure full of friendship, magic, and betrayal. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/trine_2_complete_story

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Size: 2.79 GB Trine 2: Complete Story (GOG) Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment.